I’m putting my cards on the table here: I don’t think our elected representatives are going to take climate change seriously enough. I think we all have to make meaningful changes, as responsible humans and as NLP professionals.

Yesterday, two things came together for me. A neat little icon at the bottom of an email caught my eye, highlighting a plea to avoid printing the email. And a little later I lifted my 250-page NLP Prac manual – from when I started my NLP journey – off the shelf.
I got to wondering about manuals like mine. Here’s what I found out.It takes somewhere around 10 litres (21 US pints) of clean water to make ONE sheet of printer paper.

So my old NLP manual used up 2,500 litres (660 gallons) of clean water to produce the paper in there.
Yep, that picture shows a 2,500 litre water tank. That’s enough for ONE manual.
(And there were eleven other participants on that Prac course.)
I don’t think it’s overly idealistic to say that most NLP Trainers want to change the world for the better.
So if you still use or encourage printed resources for your students, how about cutting back radically on your paper usage?
Today’s technology can replace printed resources beautifully. It can look better, allow a remarkable degree of interactivity, and allow the student to keep it on their shelf (well, in the Cloud) for as long as they wish.
You don’t have to be an IT geek. You don’t have to spend months porting your existing resources. And you don’t have to increase the cost of your trainings.
I believe that drastically reducing paper usage is one of today’s training imperatives for NLP trainers.
Let’s be at the forefront of changing the world wherever we can.
Come over to the bright side. For Earth’s sake.