The everyday world is full of examples of people writing or speaking words that are meant to influence others. It might be a CEO’s statement in a presentation to shareholders, or maybe it’s a parent attempting get their child to bed. Maybe your boss wants you to conform to the dress code or it’s some politician urging you to vote for them. Maybe some rock star’s latest cause…the list goes on and on. That is the world we live in. It’s the context in which NLP is learned and practised, and it’s a good idea to utilise it in your training.

When developing Meta Model exercises you can use this wealth of ready material providing something contemporary and relevant. You can encourage students to recognise the power of the Meta Model patterns not just in a therapeutic sense but also in terms of understanding how people attempt to influence each other. Your training feels fresh and engaged with the world. And the students get the patterns in-the-muscle much faster when the example contexts light up their neurology.
This approach has always been possible, but labour-intensive. Today, a Learning Management System (LMS) takes all that work away. You become a magpie, picking up on shiny bits of language, whether written or spoken, that just scream to be dissected and understood. You share this season’s selected examples using the LMS. You can distribute your latest finds as written words or as spoken videos or auditory tracks, all via a single file upload.
Here’s a slideshow of what it looks like setting this up on the LMS.
In this example we’ve added an exercise into a standard Meta Model course, directing the student to prepare their analysis of the material we have chosen. They are to bring this analysis to an instructor-led conference on the topic. In this case we've used an audio file of a person making a speech. But it can be any kind of media, and if you set it up this way you can vary the material you use for each group - depending upon their interests and focus.
Click on the forward and back arrows to see the three steps.