It’s pretty clear when teaching business-oriented NLP that excellent goal setting is one of the keys to success in the workplace.
So trainers teach the Well-Formed Outcome and talk about SMART goals.

But as with most things in life, context is king. When, exactly, does the SMART approach outshine the WFO? When, exactly, will WFO deliver what you want – and SMART hasn’t got a chance?
Particularly in a business context, WFO and SMART can feel like pages from two entirely different books. That’s because they are. WFO is from a People Coaching book, and SMART is from a People Management book (in the Delegation chapter, to be precise).
The value-add for your students is when they instantly know when excellence lies down the SMART path or down the WFO path.
One of our 100+ online units is about SMART goals versus the WFO. It reviews the history and content of SMART, contrasts it with the WFO, and presents practical advice about when to use which approach.
Take a couple of minutes to enjoy it live online and to unpack the practical value-add that will light up your business students. CLICK HERE